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"Secret menu" for KB770

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I'm from Sweden and I'm new on this forum.

(If you don't understand English, I could try to write in German in the future.)

You might know that there is a "secret menu" (Service meny) on mobiles like the Viewty. It is also possible to access on the KB770.

This is what you type in the Dial/Call menu:

Warning! Be careful and do not change settings that you do not understand.

I hope that someone will find settings here to make the KB770 better.

Veröffentlicht : 30/11/-0001 2:00 am
Beiträge: 30
Trusted Member

Thanks for information. It's great that also the KB770 contain that service menu.

Veröffentlicht : 01/05/2009 5:03 pm
Beiträge: 4
New Member

Hat jemand schon mal mit diesem "secret Menü" unternommen ?

Veröffentlicht : 30/05/2009 3:02 am
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